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Internal Medicine

ABG - Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Combo: Essentials of ABG DN1.1. Text with DVD

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ABG - Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Combo: Essentials of ABG DN1.1. Text with DVD

Product Description

DVD - Essential of ABG. 55 mts run time. Understand in simple language various parameters of the blood gas report including the SaO2, PaO2, PB, PiO2, FiO2, PaCO2, Aa DO2, pH and much more. Understand how and why normal and abnormal values are achieved and what is their clinical significance. ABG Book - Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Made Easy. Bestseller book with DVD 2.1 Essentials of the ABG. Want to be confident about terms like PaO2, PaCO2, PACO2, SaO2, FiO2, SpO2, CaO2, pH, BE, pulse oximetry, H+ ion concept and how to use it. All this is just the beginning. Want to learn to interpret the blood gas report without ever touching a pen and paper or looking at the acid base graph. Yes. You can. That is the confidence that you will have after reading this book. Want to interpret mixed disorders that way too. No pen. No paper. No chart. Sure you will be able to do that. Learning is guaranteed. We have educated blood gas related basics and advanced interpretation all over the world for the